Hi everyone,
Welcome to my first blog post and I hope many more to come! In this blog I want to encourage you in your walk with God through His Word by taking lessons I have learned along my own path, which unfortunately has not always aligned with His. Yet, that is one reason why I praise Him because through it all I have learned of His never-ending love, mercy and patience. It is my desire to lift the Lord up not only for all He has done but also for who He is. Come along for the journey. It is my prayer that God will use these posts to give you something to think about as you continue learning and growing in your relationship with the Him.
The time has come for new resolutions, a fresh start, a new outlook. (Wait... What? New resolutions, it's February already, those have come and gone.) More on that in a bit.
The new year is approached with excitement! "This is the year I am going to make it happen", whatever “it” may be. Perhaps "it" may be the fifth year this same resolution has been made, but hey, this year will be different. Then, as suddenly as the declaration of change or the promise of new beginnings is spoken; it is forgotten and put away for perhaps another year.
What can make New Year resolutions different? Is there a need to even wait for January 1 to come around with its empty pledges? Of course, there is nothing wrong with New Year resolutions, we look forward to the new year for better hopes and higher expectations for ourselves and our loved ones. But what if... that better hope and higher expectation didn't come from the things in which we were focused. Let's face it many of us, me included, resolve each year to spend more time with family, pay down debt, save money, take a vacation, volunteer more, slow down, be happier, be kinder, be more thankful, and the all too famous, this year I am going to take the weight off! Nothing wrong with this list, right?
Yet, I have realized, and not all too recently when it came it my own resolutions something was not right. Yes, the desire was there to do better, but many of my desires did not come to fruition. I always ended up in the same slump, the same bad habits, the same rut... until my focus changed. As a child of God, He was not my focus. If you have, have had, or have been around little children, you know how much they focus on you, the parent or caretaker. They watch you, want to be with you, cling to you, believe you; and quite honestly, I had to admit this was not me with the Lord.
Though I have a relationship with Him through salvation, I was living life my own way. Doing the things I wanted, how and when. You know doing the good things like going to church or helping others when they needed it. In all this though I never gave God the one thing He actually wanted, ME! Time spent with Him through His Word and by prayer, consistently. I was not looking to Him as a child looks to their parent, someone I could cling to, trust in, and believe on; He was there only when I needed Him. Now though, through circumstances, which I will be sharing through upcoming posts, I am more committed to make Him my focus - Everyday!
So why was I speaking of new year resolutions? Because I had resolved to start a blog by the New Year! Writing is something that I have always enjoyed doing, and God has given me this talent and desire in a way that I can share His Word with others. Even though I have done some writing, many times I put it aside because of poor excuses, such as busyness, Yet I will confess the number one reason is probably nervousness and anxiety over what others might think about what I am saying (Am I the only one who gets hung up on what others might think, uh... probably not).
Here it is February. What happened? For starters, there was no way I was going to finish this post by January 1st. I brought in the new year sick in bed. Our family has always celebrated New Year's Eve with friends, with us being the loudest on the block, bringing in the new. Also, my husband, who had been on deployment since September, got to come home January 6th. He came home sick. After he got better, we got a new puppy; just to add to the busyness... and so on and so forth. Now what? Do I wait for another New Year's! Not this time!
Thanks to a friend who encouraged me to "just start writing", I have not been able to ignore this anymore. This year starts a new adventure. The first topic that has been on my heart is staying on God's path, staying in His ways. This is so dear to me because lately, as stated before, this has been my focus. I have learned some things and am still learning...as I forever will be. As God continues to teach me, I will share with you.
In this series we will be looking at the word path(s) and the word way(s). For each new post I will share some scriptures using these words. Delving into the definitions and context and how we can apply to our lives what these scriptures are saying. The word path is found in 64 verses and the word way is found in 788 verses of the Bible. Don't panic, not all of these give reference to God's path or way, but let's examine the ones that do. Some of these verses have both words in them. We will look at these first. For the two words, there are several definitions given in the Hebrew and one in the Greek. Sometimes, depending on the definition, both words are used. Does this sound confusing? Don't worry, things will be explained as we go along and look into God's Word together.
The Webster's definition of path is - a trodden way; the way of life, conduct, or thought; course of life; precepts (rules prescribed); any narrow way beaten by the foot
The Webster's definition of way is - a passing; course of direction; manner of doing anything; method; possible decision, action, or outcome; habitual manner of being or behaving
The first verse we will look at is Psalm 25:4
Shew my thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.
This verse is simple. Basically, asking the Lord to teach and to lead. If I were to ask mutiple people, do you want the LORD to show you His ways, to teach you His paths... all would answer with a resounding YES!
David is the writer of this Psalm and in it he not only is exclaiming the goodness of the LORD, but also is seeking the LORD for deliverence out of trouble. He is asking to be taught and led because he understands the LORD's ways are better. Even though he finds himself with troubles and distresses, David desires to remember the goodness of the LORD. (This of course is only a snippet of what this psalm is relaying because the focus is verse 4.)
His first request is LORD, show me your ways!
The word ways here in the Hebrew means, a road as trodden; course of life or mode of action - similiar to Webster's definition
When David was asking this, He was making it personal. It wasn't a blind request to just be shown the LORD's ways and be satisfied. Have you ever been curious to be shown something? Not because you really want to do it, but because it just sounds interesting. This was not what David was asking. It was not a curious nonchalant question. When you look at the definition of this word, he was asking that the LORD's ways would become his way of life. David desired to live in the ways of God, which is according to His Word. He goes on to say teach me your paths.
The word path in the Hebrew means a well trodden road; manner, race, rank, traveler.
Evidently, by the definitions given, when this verse is read, the desire should be to live in the ways of God. To change our ways and paths to line up with His Word. This is hard because when we seek to ask God to help us, we don't really understand that in order for God to help us we must be willing to change some of our ways.
For instance, there was a time in my life that "I knew the Bible." Nobody had to tell me what to do, I knew what it said, and I was doing a pretty good job at it! Remember, the psalmist said show and teach. When a person has this kind of attitude, like I did, they really don't want to be shown or taught anything. I praise the Lord that he has brought me to a place that now when I read this verse, my heart's desire really is to be shown His ways, and to be taught His paths.
A trodden road is mentioned in the definitions of these words. A trodden road is one that has been well travelled. It is familiar. Don't stray off the beaten path is a common saying and gives reference to two ideas. First, it can warn someone to stay with something that is comfortable or well-known so they don't get into trouble, or it can refer to finding something new or better when you do stray off that beaten path.
For many the well trodden road can be how we think and act after the flesh. Some ways become so ingrained that it is an automatic behavior or response. I often... too often acted or reacted in the flesh. Anger, frustration, criticism, or sarcasm was all too common an experience for those in my household. Yet, I wasn't wrong... I was fine... I was prideful.
God wants to change our familiar, worn down, trodden road. He desires that His Word becomes so ingrained and important to us that getting off the beaten path of His ways would make us uneasy and uncomfortable. Changing the path of our thinking or the way we have lived for many years is not easy. It seems scary at times but well worth the effort to bask in God's joy and peace.
Caption: This picture was taken from the top of a mountain my husband and I had climbed. It was one of the most strenuous hikes I have done. When you get to the top there is a railing, just to make you feel a little safer. As my husband and I were resting and eating our lunch I saw the pathway pictured below. I asked Eddie, "Do you want to go over there"? He said, "No", then asked if I wanted to, I answered that I was fine. The more we sat and rested though, I kept pondering "should I". See from my view and even the view in this picture it looks like a drop off at the end, even though I like to hike, I am not keen to go to the edge.
So, as you can see, I decided to go for it. I have mixed feelings about heights, they make me nervous, but my curiosity wins out almost every time. I wanted to see the view! As I was walking, and Eddie soon followed, I was beginning to feel hesitant, but I kept going.
When we reached the end of this path, there was about a three or four feet step down to another short trail where at that edge it dropped off! Yet, the view! We were at a point that we could look down and see the top of the trees and other rock formations. It was worth all the nerves and butterflies.
Isn't it like this sometimes, we ask God to help us, show us, and teach us, but then; because we don't see or know everywhere God is taking us, our response is... uh, never mind LORD, I will do that later.
Following God's path takes faith. It goes toward the uncharted sometimes. When I decided to walk down that unknown path on top of the mountain, I was nervous to go, but I also knew that something probably worth seeing was at the end.
What is different about following the LORD though is even though we may not see far ahead of the plans He has for us, we know through His Word that it is good. See, sometimes when I get off the beaten path to see the view, it wasn't worth the effort, but sometimes it is. I take my chances.
Asking the LORD to show you and teach you is not taking a chance. Yes, we go through difficult times. Occasionally, it is hard to just follow because we want results now, or we don't want to do it all God's way. Whatever the circumstances, God has given us many promises to cling to as we go along His path.
First there is the promise of peace. Isaiah 26:3 says, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.
Second, there is the promise of joy. John 15:11 says, These things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full.
As we follow Him and abide in Him, He gives us peace and joy that overshadows the hard times.
Third, we have promises waiting for us if we are faithful to follow His path. 1 Peter 1:7 says, That the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
So, now when I read this Psalm, especially verse 4, I don't read it thinking, "Okay, I know His ways. Okay, I have been taught." Instead, my response to this verse is, Lord as you show me your ways, I pray I will stay with your Word. In
your will. Show me the way to go Lord, help me to follow you in all that I do and say. Change my bad habits, my direction, my heart. Please, Lord, teach me. I need you to show me and teach me. Help me not to go astray but to stay on the path of your Word.
We can't look into verse 4 without mentioning verse 5.
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation, on thee do I wait all the day.
The word lead has the connotation to walk, come, draw, guide,
The Psalmist is asking to be guided and led in God's truth (His Word) by him and God walking together. God's truth is the right path, the way of godliness. We walk with God as we obey Him.
When you seek to ask God to show you and teach you, the desire is to be led in His truth. Why? Because He is the God of your salvation. He is someone who we can trust and wait. Wait, the meaning is not to be hasty when things don't go our way. Rather to focus on Him with praise and thanksgiving. Trusting that He who loves you will work things out for your good and His glory.
Verse 10 of Psalm 25 says, All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.
This verse helps us to understand why we should ask the Lord to show and teach us, because ALL His paths are mercy and truth. To those who seek Him and desire to follow after His Word, He continually shows mercy and reveals His truth.
Let Psalm 25:4 be a yearning for us as His children. Know that when you ask God to show you His ways and teach you His paths from a humble, willing heart He will start redirecting the road you are on to one (even though bumpy at times) that is filled with beauty and blessings.
Be armored to stay on the path of truth, stay on the path of truth to be armored.
Until next time,
God Bless
Thank you so much for sharing this karry. This was very informative and inspirational.
love this Karry! Great reminder to stay focused and have faith to believe God is who He says He is and is good And will guide us down the right path if we will abide, trust and obey! 😊