Psalm 27:11 - Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
This Psalm was written by David. This one, like others, was written for a cry of deliverance from his enemies. David did need physical protection from those seeking to take his life. He often asked God to spare his life while running and hiding from his enemies. I certainly would. Yet, even in his physical hardships what he sought first and foremost was spiritual protection. What does this mean?
For the most part I have seen two main themes in the Psalms. One, a crying out in troubled times, and two, lifting the LORD up in praise and thanksgiving. Even though David was doing his best to protect his life from being taken, he understood that true protection, safety, and security came through the LORD. David was very forthright in telling God how he felt. He was not ashamed of the oppression, depression, and sorrow he felt. Moreover, he was not ashamed to lift God up, magnify, praise, and exalt His holy name. In knowing God through His Son, JESUS, you have the ultimate defense. This doesn't mean life is rosy and perfect (we all know this). But it does mean even though we have devastation, heartache, turmoil, or affliction there is a peace that will abide in us if we do our part in crying out to the LORD. Seeking Him and trusting Him.
Paul wrote of this in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, we are troubled on every side,
yet not distressed, we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not
forsaken, cast down, but not destroyed.
Verse 7 says, but we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency
of the power may be of God, and not of us.
These things are so easily forgotten, and one reason why is we are focused on what is happening to us or around us in this world. God's answer to us though is, if you look to me, if you remember your salvation and all the blessings you have because of it, now and later, if you seek to fear, love and obey me, then I will give you peace, joy and rest through it!
I have been on both sides. I have not only experienced God's peace that passes understanding but also anxiety and fear. This is not the type of anxiety that comes from natural fears. For instance, I don't like to swim in the ocean, the thought of doing this causes some anxiety, so I make the decision not to do it; while others may be afraid of swimming in lakes or rivers, but I am not. It is entirely up to the individual if they want to go ahead and take the plunge. Either way, whatever the decision it will not have harmful effects on you or others. There is nothing wrong with this kind of anxiety, we all have a few things that we would rather not do. Yet, we also should not be afraid of everything.
There is an anxiety, however, that can rule us. The kind that seems to overwhelm and paralyze any good decision we would make. The kind that can be harmful to us and to others. And in this, I am speaking of staying on God's path by doing the things He has called us to do. To do these things we need God's strength and protection from the enemy. While David often fought against a physical battle, he also knew that his greatest enemy was unseen; this was the one he did not want to gain victory in his life.
In verse one David states that the LORD is his light, salvation, and strength of life; who should he fear? To seek spiritual protection is a knowledge of verse one. To know that whatever is going on, God has said He is your light, your strength, and your way, not out of, but through the circumstances. David had good reason to fear, for men were after his life. Still, he sought to please the LORD and to not stray from Him.
We see in verse four he had a desire to be in the house of the LORD. This is where God wants His children. Serving Him through His church will offer protection. Is the enemy keeping you from being in the house of the LORD? Does anxiety come? Is it hard to be around people? Are you worried about what others might think? If anxiety overtakes you at the thought of attending church, the thing that overcomes it is the hardest to do. Take a step of faith and go. Ask the LORD for a desire to be in His house. Ask the LORD for deliverance from the enemy who is trying to keep you from being obedient to receive the peace and joy God has for you. If David could still focus and seek to be where God wanted him to be while his life was being pursued, how much more can we do the same.
David also gave the sacrifice of joy by singing praises to the LORD. It is a sacrifice to our flesh to choose to sing praises to Him, to honor Him instead of ourselves. David's heart was full of gratitude for deliverance and for the LORD Himself. If you have salvation, you have the optimum deliverance! This can always be your song!
The third desire David expresses is verse eleven. He is asking the LORD to teach him and to lead him. I am sure, David did not follow a straight path while running from his enemies, but he does want to stay on God's paths through it all. Being taught and led by the LORD is how our own anxieties flee. This implies obedience. To not fear man and what they might think or do, but rather to fear God, and do what pleases Him.
In most places to hike there is a path to follow. This makes the going easier and without a fear of getting lost. Yet sometimes, if I see something that catch's my eye, I veer of the path laid before me to check it out. Now I don't do this without taking note of where I am, and I am always cautious to not go too far. I want to make sure I don't lose my way to the path that will guide me safely back. There have been a few times, going off the path has brought a little bit of fear, just trying to keep in mind that even though I want to see what caught my eye, I shouldn't wander too far.
We, as God's children, have a path laid before us. His Word!
Our desires should be the same as David's. He desired things that pleased the LORD and that would bring peace and joy. To be in the house of the LORD, to sing praises to Him, and to be taught and led by Him. When we wander from what the LORD wants us to do, anxiety comes. Our protection from fear is staying on the LORD's path. When we feel ourselves overtaken with fears and anxieties, though it is easy to react by withdrawing, our action should be one of self - examination. Often, we have left the path of God's Word to go our own way, which in turn brings apprehension and unsurety. Desiring to be taught to know God's path is an everyday endeavor. God in His mercy is always waiting for us to come back to Him. Consider verses 7- 9 of Psalm 27,
Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice, have mercy also upon me, and
answer me. When Thou saidst, seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee,
Thy face, LORD, will I seek. Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy
servant away in anger, thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither
forsake me, O God of my salvation.
This should be our desire, to cry out to God for His mercy. When we do, He generously gives. God does not look down at His children with condemnation but is eager for us to restore fellowship with Him by asking forgiveness when we do go off His path. As we know, the path may not always be easy, nevertheless, God is always there to guide us back to the way we should go. He is faithful!
Be armored to stay on the path, stay on the path to be armored!
God Bless,
Until next time,
It is so peaceful to walk in God's way.